About the FCRA
The False Creek Residents Association is a volunteer-run neighbourhood group dedicated to improving the quality of life for everyone who lives around and visits False Creek—the heart of the city of Vancouver.
When the FRCA was first formed in 2007, founding members came from a number of established neighbourhood-specific organizations. These caring, community-minded groups continue to have an interest in improving livability around False Creek and its environs.
The FCRA is dedicated to promoting the interests of its residents. We advocate for our neighbours, and endeavour to provide information, education and news that is relevant to our community.
All residents are encouraged to participate actively in the Association—to attend meetings, present briefs to City Council, and to identify community issues and concerns. Members of the association include community organizations, strata corporations, cooperative associations, and individuals who make their home around False Creek. In addition, we have collaborative relationships with many of the businesses and cultural organizations that are based around the Creek.
The FCRA was formally incorporated under the BC Societies Act, is guided by a Board of Directors elected each year at our Annual General Meeting, and today represents thousands of residents living in buildings from the Burrard Bridge on the north shore, all the way around the Creek to the Cambie Bridge on the South Shore.
The False Creek Residents Association (FCRA) is a volunteer-run neighbourhood group dedicated to protecting and improving the quality of life for everyone who lives around and visits False Creek.
The FCRA seeks to advocate for its neighbours, promote their interests and provide information, education and relevant news regarding our community.
Biljana Vasiljevic, Chair
Paula Machado, Co-Chair
John Murray, Treasurer
Sonja Winks, Secretary
Aaron Chapman
Christopher Corney
Erik Gretland
Kate Isaac
Louise McRae
Gord McRae (Alternate)