Rapid Transit from Arbutus Street to UBC: Coalition does not support staff recommendations, requests Council ‘receive’ reports, not adopt as policy (meeting 30-Jan-2019)
Rapid Transit from Arbutus Street to UBC: Coalition does not support staff recommendations, requests Council ‘receive’ reports, not adopt as policy (meeting 30-Jan-2019)
January 25, 2019
City of Vancouver Council
Dear Mayor Kennedy Stewart and Councillors,
Re: Rapid Transit from Arbutus Street to UBC – Meeting Jan.30, 2019
Report (“Rapid Transit from Arbutus Street to UBC,” staff report, Jan 15, 2019) https://council.vancouver.ca/20190130/documents/pspc1.pdf
Appendix C (“Rail to UBC Rapid Transit Study: Alternatives Analysis Summary and Update” (McElhanney Consulting Services) Jan 2019 ): https://council.vancouver.ca/20190130/documents/pspc1-AppendixC.pdf
The Coalition of Vancouver Neighbourhoods (CVN) does not support the recommendations in the above reports and requests that Council receive the reports for information purposes only, not as policy.
CVN has written many letters to the City, Province and Federal Government in opposition to the subway on Broadway. The links to the letters are attached for reference.
Although we generally agree with the logic to connect the Millennium Line from VCC to Cambie Line, we continue to disagree with the unaffordable option to extend along Broadway to Arbutus with a subway, and to further extend the subway/SkyTrain to UBC.